
A new, big exhibition concept dedicated to manufacturing technology will be launched at FieraMilano-Rho from 12 to 15 October 2022, resulting from a partnership between BI-MU and Xylexpo, respectively organized by Ucimu-Sistemi per produrre - the association of Italian manufacturers of machine tools [...]

“There never could be a better way to start the new year. The data processed by our Studies office confirm the "strong perception" of recent months: 2021 has started off very positively, with a strong expansion of the demand of furniture and wood industry technology”. Luigi De Vito, president of Aci [...]

The next edition of LIGNA will be held from 15 to 19 May 2023. The event scheduled this year from 27 September to 1 October, therefore, will not take place. The decision mainly derives from the still high level of infections worldwide, following the COVID-19 pandemic, the slow progress of national a [...]

Federmacchine Studies office has processed, with the support of the federated associations, the foreign trade data for the whole sector of capital goods. The data for year 2020 have been issued in these days; as regards exports, there was a decrease of 14% while for imports the decrease was 22%. [...]

The finals 2020 data for Italian exports of woodworking machinery were disclosed by ISTAT and subsequently processed by the Acimall studies office. The total value of exported machines reached 1,270 million euros; the percentage drop, compared to 2019, is 15.8 points. The year 2020, while closing ne [...]

The fourth quarter 2020 brought some optimism to an economic trend that has been really complicated due to the global sanitary emergency. Woodworking and furniture industry technology in the October-December period of last year recorded 3.7 percent growth in orders compared to the same period of 201 [...]

The monthly survey of export data of Italian woodworking technologies reported, in the period January-November 2020, a further slight recovery compared to the previous survey (January-October), although remaining in negative territory. According to data issued by Istat, the decrease of exports was 1 [...]