Press Releases

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For more information:
Luca Rossetti
phone +39 02 89210200
fax +39 02 8259009


A simple ceremony, a meeting opportunity, a recognition for companies that, in recent years, have been keen on innovation, despite the difficult period. Innovation not only for specific products or technical solutions, but more generally, for courage, determination and entrepreneurial spirit. [...]

Trend of the main economic variables in 2007-20113 and industry structure (unit million euro; including tools). [...]

Trend in basic markets breakdown per geographical areas. [...]

The first quarter 2014 is showing some tangible, encouraging signs on the domestic market in Italy. The feeling is that it is going to take long still, but we can finally talk about early signs of structural recovery. Foreign markets, though slightly shrinking, are still playing a key role for Itali [...]

The Economic scenario of the industry2013 was a substantially stable year. According to the preliminary figures processed by the Studies Office of Acimall, production amounted to 1,537 million Euro, down by 2.1 percent compared to 2012. Export totaled 1,187 million Euro, equal to 77 percent of total [...]

21 February 2014

ACIMALL: fourth quarter 2013

The fourth quarter 2013 consolidated the moderate trend improvement recorded in previousquarters. [...]

Acimall, the Confindustria-member association representing the industry of technology, wood and accessories for the furniture industry and woodworking, is looking forward to another year of intensive activities on the global markets. It’s an industry with a very strong propensity to export, accounti [...]