Press Releases

This section contains all the Acimall press releases.
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For more information:
Luca Rossetti
phone +39 02 89210200
fax +39 02 8259009


Attached please find a press release about the trend of Italian technology in the first quarter 2018, based on the traditional quarterly survey by Acimall. [...]

Time to draw a balance for the wood technology industry, as well as an occasion to look into the future, encouraged by the figures of the market survey related to the fourth quarter 2017. Attached please find the 2017 preliminary balance and the results of the wood and furniture technology market s [...]

In the July-September 2017 period, orders increased by 42.9 percent Attached please find the results of the trend survey for the third quarter 2017, processed by Acimall's Studies Office. [...]

In the second quarter 2017, orders increased by 31.9 percent. Attached please find the results of the trend survey for the second quarter 2017, processed by Acimall's Studies Office. [...]

Find attached the press release dedicated to the orders trend of woodworking machinery and tools industry, for the first quarter 2017. [...]

The general assembly of the Confindustria member association unanimously re-elected President Lorenzo Primultini and appointed two new Vice Presidents. [...]

Please find below the press release dedicated to the final figures 2016 for the woodworking technologies. The data has been elaborated by Acimall studies office. [...]