Press Releases

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For more information:
Luca Rossetti
phone +39 02 89210200
fax +39 02 8259009


The industry of technology for wood and wood-based materials is still in the middle of a difficultseason. This is the message from today's meeting with the Italian trade press organized by Acimall, the Confindustria-member association that gathers the most important companies in Italy. [...]

A comparison among major competitors in the January-June 2014 period. [...]

20 November 2014

ACIMALL: third quarter 2014

The periodical survey about the third quarter 2014 clearly shows a significant growth in orders of woodworking technology. [...]

Acimall has approved the promotion plan for 2015, an agenda of events to support the Italian industry of woodworking and furniture production in the markets that offer the best opportunities now or in the future. [...]

With a slight delay compared to previous quarterly reports, Acimall published interesting figures for the April-June period of this year. Such delay was due to the fact that the analysts of the Confindustria-member associations of wood technology manufacturers wanted to check figures very accurately [...]

The figures of the global industry of woodworking technology, processed by the Acimall Studies Office. [...]

Acimall published the 2013 Annual Report. [...]